
„The unusualness of this project had already warmed us to it. Maybe because we had already seen too many depressing shows, so scared of being judged in bad taste that they never risk anything, preferring a prudent restraint of emotion that itself can appear forced, unnatural. Not so Caroline Guiela Nguyen. She throws the kitchen sink at us in a constant exacerbation of emotions. It could so easily tip over into an overload of pathos, if the writing and the direction were not so good. And if the actors, recruited directly from “civil society”, did not shine so vibrantly.“ - Libération


„With FRATERNITÉ, Conte fantastique, Caroline Guiela Nguyen establishes herself as an exceptionally powerful author. She deploys fiction to mine universal themes such as the strengh of ties in the face of absence and passing time, love and memory, this invisible thread between people, this fraternity that could ensure their salvation.“ - La Croix


„Fraternité astonishes and seduces us by its absolute faith in the power of fiction, by the mastery of the stagecraft and by the originality in the choice of actors and how they have been directed. […] She has once again affirmed her vision of theatre, a signature that is now easily recognizable and that she continues to perfect with her faithful collaborators.“ - Le Monde


„Caroline Guiela Nguyen’s theatre is incredibly powerful, sublimating the life force of survivors while paying tribute to the absent. It is moving because it envisages life in a near future, speaking directly to us here and now. The result is devastating.“ - Paris Match


„FRATERNITÉ, Conte fantastique (★★★★☆) by Caroline Guiela Nguyen concerns self-governance by a small group. The setting – an antiseptic clinic “of care and consolation” – is hyperreal but the story is utterly, brilliantly improbable.“ - The Guardian


„Somewhere between science fiction and a philosophical tale, Caroline Guiela Nguyen’s new show FRATERNITÉ, Conte fantastique mixes genres and reflections [...] The result is a distillation of raw emotion, three and a half hours of taut, cadenced action that keep the spectator alert and sensitive to the emotions of the actors, in tune with their characters, and shaken up by the vertiginous questions they must face.“ - Marianne

„This tale is fantastic from every stand point, one of the highlights of the Festival. It is a complete success, both in the treatment of its subject – which goes well beyond the notion of fraternity – and in the staging and the performance of this troupe, these men and women we can relate to and who move us so.“ - Inferno


„Everything works perfectly: the text is a fantastic tale, ironic and intelligent. [...] A collective work, which during three hours talks to us of life, our hearts and the need each of us has to love and to be held.“  - Caos Cultura